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Slide Preparation and Equipment Kits

Starters Pack Basic

Starters Pack Basic

Price: £9.25 (Excluding VAT at 20%)

Microscope slides, coverslips, cavity well slides. Excellent value

Introduction to Microscopy Kit

Introduction to Microscopy Kit

Price: £21.67 (Excluding VAT at 20%)

Books - The Ultimate Guide to your Microscope and 'Microscope Projects. All the background reading you need to learn how to easily prepare slides from everyday specimens including, pond, garden life and household items.

Learning Biology Kit

Learning Biology Kit

Price: £24.50 (Excluding VAT at 20%)

18 prepared slides covering insects, plant and animal tissues and the book 'Microscope Projects'.

Adventures with a Stereomicroscope

Adventures with a Stereomicroscope

Price: £34.50 (Excluding VAT at 20%)

For the stereomicroscope. 4 Petri dishes, 5 widemouth bottles, insect pooter and full dissection kit

Adventures with a Compound Microscope

Adventures with a Compound Microscope

Price: £37.83 (Excluding VAT at 20%)

For the Compound high power microscope. Book "Adventures with a microscope", slides, coverslips, aqueous mountant, and three sets of prepared slides. Contains all the basics for the first time buyer.

The Starter Scientists Kit

The Starter Scientists Kit

Price: £32.83 (Excluding VAT at 20%)

For scientists of all ages,"The Complete Book of the Microscope", slides, coverslips, cavity well slides, slide labels, mountant, pipettes, watch glasses and methylene blue stain.

Microscope Slide Set

Microscope Slide Set

Price: £17.50 (Excluding VAT at 20%)

3 x 1 inch slides (50), coverslips 22 x 22 & 22 x 40 (100), cavity well slides (10), and two plastic slide boxes each taking 25 slides stored on edge.

Fish Disease Identification Kit

Fish Disease Identification Kit

Price: £26.25 (Excluding VAT at 20%)

Fish disease identification kit, containing slides, coverslips, stains, mountants and all the items needed to make skin scapes and gill swabs. Easy to follow instructions.

Pollen Identification Kit

Pollen Identification Kit

Price: £35.54 (Excluding VAT at 20%)

A kit that contains everything needed to make slide preparations to identify pollen. The kit includes the book 'Pollen its collection and preparation for the microscope' by John White

Mountants Kit

Mountants Kit

Price: £14.75 (Excluding VAT at 20%)

Canada balsam (substitute), aqueous mountant and glycerine jelly all at a price advantage.

Slide Ringing Media Kit

Slide Ringing Media Kit

Price: £47.83 (Excluding VAT at 20%)

A ringing table and a selection of ringing cements and sealants for preserving wet and dry slide preparations, and size 00 brushes.

Wax Embedding Kit

Wax Embedding Kit

Price: £42.33 (Excluding VAT at 20%)

The complete kit containing everything that is required for wax embedding animal and plant material prior to sectioning. Kit contains alcohol and toluene and can be sent to UK destinations only.

Wax Embedding Kit with DVD

Wax Embedding Kit with DVD

Price: £52.83 (Excluding VAT at 20%)

The wax embedding kit with the DVD that shows in a 40 minute presentation all the steps needed to produce wax embedded sections ready for staining.

Staining Equipment Kit

Staining Equipment Kit

Price: £40.17 (Excluding VAT at 20%)

Contains all the equipment necessary for the staining of sections of all types of Insect, Plant and Animal tissues including watch glasses, colpin jar, staining blocks, pipettes, test tubes, wash bottle and empty stain bottles.

Introduction to Staining Kit

Introduction to Staining Kit

Price: £23.17 (Excluding VAT at 20%)

An introductory kit for staining. Simple to follow instructions, contains several useful general purpose stains.

Complete Stain Making Kit

Complete Stain Making Kit

Price: £58.50 (Excluding VAT at 20%)

A combination of the "Staining Equipment Kit" and "Introduction to Staining Kit", contains staining equipment, instruction booklet and a collection of general purpose stains. Excellent introduction.

Making Mounts in Glycerine Jelly

Making Mounts in Glycerine Jelly

Price: £32.83 (Excluding VAT at 20%)

Ideal for the beginner, contains all the reagents, slides and coverslips needed to make successful slide preparations with glycerin jelly. Full step by step instructions.

Making Mounts in Numount (Canada Balsam)

Making Mounts in Numount (Canada Balsam)

Price: £32.83 (Excluding VAT at 20%)

Contains all the reagents, slides, coverslips and full instructions for making permanent slide preparations.

Making Mounts in Aqueous Mountant

Making Mounts in Aqueous Mountant

Price: £30.75 (Excluding VAT at 20%)

Contains all that is required to make slide preparations with Apathy's aqueous mountant including slides, coverslips, reagents and step by step instructions.

Making Mounts of Insect and Spider Parts

Making Mounts of Insect and Spider Parts

Price: £44.67 (Excluding VAT at 20%)

Contains all the reagentsd and items needed to make successful permanent slide preparations of insect parts - includes slides, coverslips and reagents and step by step instructions.

Gram Stain Kit for Bacteria

Gram Stain Kit for Bacteria

Price: £29.67 (Excluding VAT at 20%)

Contains all stains, reagents and full instructions needed to stain and identify bacteria by the Gram method

Haematoxylin and Eosin Staining Kit

Haematoxylin and Eosin Staining Kit

Price: £36.50 (Excluding VAT at 20%)

Contains all the stains and reagents needed to stain zoological tissues for general structure. Full instructions and example slides.

Blood Smear Staining Kit

Blood Smear Staining Kit

Price: £32.33 (Excluding VAT at 20%)

Contains all the reagents and stains needed to fix and stain blood smears. Full instructions and example slides included.

Botanical Staining Kit

Botanical Staining Kit

Price: £40.33 (Excluding VAT at 20%)

All the stains and reagents needed to stain hand cut botanical sections. Includes watch glasses, slides, coverslips, full instructions and examples.

Making your own Botanical Slides

Making your own Botanical Slides

Price: £74.67 (Excluding VAT at 20%)

Everything required to cut and stain botanical materials including, fixative, bench microtome, the book "Practical Microscopy" and the kit "Botanical Staining Kit".